Saturday, June 4, 2011

Posted: 03 June 2011 02:38 AM PDT

The ban on a veterinary drug which caused an unprecedented decline in Asian vulture populations has shown the first signs of progress, according to scientists. However, the recovery of the wild vulture populations requires efforts to see the drug completely removed from the birds̢۪ food supply.

Read full article


We have completed the edit on he Burundi page. No extra birds for the most wanted list. We do have a page for every species.You can now get to Burundi from the map.
There are two new slide shows with hundred of photos. Go see

Friday, June 3, 2011


Gabon checklist updated with some great new pages e.g. Crimson Seedcracker. One more species has been added to the most wanted list the Verreaux's Batis. If you have a photo we would love to be abe to share it.
Conservation & Birding pages will be uploaded later with a smarter looking Gabon homepage.

Bird of the Day.
The Plovercrest, with a new video, great new photos in a slideshow and a harming sound recording of the lek. The data has also been updated.
Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Republic of the Congo

We have finished the edit and only need one photo that's not on the previous list, the Ghana Cuckoo-shrike.
We do have a page on all 716 species in the Republic of the Congo. Includng 8 vulnerable species.

Photo by Ian Fulton © all rights reserved
Consevation & birding pages have also been created.
If you are involved in conservation and have something to say or show contact
A new page for  and a new photo of the Forest Swallow
wpe465.jpg (6656 bytes)
Photo by Nik Borrow © All rights reserved (Birdquest)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Democratic Republic of the Congo

We now have a page for every bird in the D R C but still need photos of a number of species. Most wanted list:- Albertine Owlet, Brown Nightjar, Schouteden's Swift, Black Spinetail, Bates's Swift, Sladen's Barbet, Zenker's Honeyguide, Least Honeyguide, Square-tailed Sawwing, Brazza's Martin, Congo Martin, Jackson's Pipit, Grauer's Cuckoo-shrike, Oriole Cuckoo-shrike, Prigogine's Greenbul, Pale-olive Greenbul, Baumann's Olive-Greenbul, Sassi's Greenbul, Xavier's Greenbul, Kivu Ground-Thrush, Black-eared Ground-Thrush, Oberlaender's Ground-Thrush, Slender-tailed Cisticola, Grauer's Scrub-Warbler, Bamboo Scrub-Warbler, Black-necked Eremomela, White-browed Crombec, Yellow Longbill, Laura's Woodland-Warbler, Uganda Woodland-Warbler, Lowland Akalat, Dusky Crested-Flycatcher, Blue-headed Crested-Flycatcher, Bedford's Paradise-Flycatcher, Bates's Paradise-flycatcher, Pale-breasted Illadopsis, Grey-chested Illadopsis, Dusky Babbler, Chapin's Mountain-Babbler, Violet-tailed Sunbird, Green-throated Sunbird, Bocage's Sunbird, Prigogine's Sunbird, Rockefeller's Sunbird, Congo Sunbird, Pink-footed Puffback, Rufous-bellied HelmetShrike, Shining Drongo, Neumann's Starling, Black-throated Malimbe, Red-bellied Malimbe, Yellow-legged Malimbe, Bocage's Weaver, Katanga Masked-Weaver, Yellow-capped Weaver, Preuss's Weaver, Shelley's Crimson-wing, Grant's Bluebill & Black-bellied Firefinch.
56 species needed seems a lot but out of 1,174 species makes it a small percentage. We will get them all so if you can, please help.
The Congo is a great place for birds loads of endemics & a great place for birders. There are some great that will make sure you have a trip to remember.

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Dark Continent

We are still working on Africa, Rwanda & Uganda now have their own conservation & birding pages. The blanks are being filled in all over Africa.
Hope to finish the Edit of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, today, with more beauties like the Black-faced Waxbill.

By Jerry Oldenettel April 14, 2011 © all rights reserved